Tag Archives: Graphic Organizer

Thank God for Collaboration


True confessions: I am sort of a hot mess.  I planned out the mini-lessons for the research phase of our writing project, was feeling good about it, and then stopped thinking about the next phases of the project.  I’m not sure if I got distracted by teaching math, SPED paper-work or the whiskey ginger ales that I re-invited to my weekends but, nevertheless, I reached the end of my planning some time last week and I had no idea where to go next. 

In hindsight, I am slightly embarrassed. The thought of planning the unit in full didn’t cross my mind until my dear co-teacher approached me during the writing block and asked the innocent and reasonable question, “So, what’s the plan for when the kids finish their research.” 

Hiding my thoughts has never worked for me since my bluntness is only rivaled by the fact that my feelings are etched on my face at all times.  Reading my panic, my fabulous and veteran co-teacher offered the suggestion, “perhaps they need a graphic organizer in order to transfer their notes into paragraph form.” 

“Ah, yes! A graphic organizer! A genius idea.”  

Here is what she came up with: it is awesome.  The kids needed it and we love it. Image

The Graphic Organizer that Saved my Life (and my SPED kids’ open response scores)

Open Response Graphic Organizer

Open Response Graphic Organizer

Teaching students to use answer, evidence, and explanation to successfully answer an open response question has been one of my many challenges in 4th and 5th grade special ed.  I created this graphic organizer to help them sort out the pieces and successfully write a quality open response.  Using it this year has saved my life as well as my students’ scores.